Notify: Back in stock WhatsApp

Read the complete details of the Notify: Back in stock WhatsApp, including its description, features, reviews, pricing, and more. Take a look at it!

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Recover lost revenue with WhatsApp back in stock alerts that have higher conversions vs email

Back in stock alerts on WhatsApp have high open rates and convert better than restock alerts on email. Your customers will see a Notify me button on a sold-out product page. They will love the beautiful WhatsApp-based alerts for back in stock notifications. We are privacy-first, and strictly opt-in.

Overview of app :-

  • Customers opt in with a "Notify me on Whatsapp" button for sold out products
  • Automated Restock alerts with Whatsapp notifications for back in stock products
  • Customize the Notify me button as per your theme
  • Customize in all languages: Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, etc.
  • Fully automated: Grow your revenue on Autopilot.
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