Blog Article Filter Search PRO

Read the complete details of the Blog Article Filter Search PRO, including its description, features, reviews, pricing, and more. Take a look at it!

4.9 [86]
From $6.90/month. Free trial available.
Add Blog Post Dropdown Tag Filter, Blog Search & Featured Articles for better blog content discovery

3-in-1 blog app (Blog Post Dropdown Tag Filter + Blog Search + Featured Articles) with an easy setup that will boost your blog post readership for a very long time (possibly forever) - regardless if the blog post is 5 days old or 5 years old. Perfect for businesses that create evergreen & educational content (like recipes, tutorial, portfolio, creator profiles etc.) to bring quality traffic and sales.

Overview of app :-

  • Blog post & article tag filter - Create dropdown blog filter with article tags
  • Blog keyword search - Let customer easily search for blog post using keyword
  • Featured blog posts - Pick 3 articles to be featured at the search panel
  • Setting to show BOTH blog filter & search; or only EITHER feature on your blog
  • Publish / Unpublish blog search & filter - Publish only when you are ready
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