EXT Thank You Page & Surveys

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From $2.99/month. Free trial available.
Built a landing page & customize thank you page for post purchase surveys, rating, faqs widgets

The EXT Thank You Page & Surveys app allows you to edit the default order confirmation page with a custom thank you page. Maximize your store conversions with post-purchase surveys. You can collect customer feedback on the thank you page with ratings, feedback widgets Built a landing page with a variety of features and set a countdown timer for exciting offers, and deals. Create a hipe for your coming soon deals, and sales offer with multiple templates.

Overview of app :-

  • Collect Post-purchase surveys with ratings, feedback widgets on thank you page
  • Collect feedback surveys data into backend with complete customers details
  • Display your social accounts links on thank you page and maximize social traffic
  • Build a custom landing page with countdown timer launching dates and many more
  • Modify a coming soon page with customize logo, bg color,and social sharing links
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