Coupon X: Discount Code Pop Up

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Discount pop ups, coupons, email popups, and promo codes pop ups to improve subscriptions and sales

Create & customize discount code popups, coupon codes, and promos on your Shopify store with Coupon X. These discount popups and coupons are proven to improve your sales, reduce cart abandonment, boost engagement and drive more email signups, especially when using a countdown timer. With its intuitive coupon code popup builder, triggers, targeting, and integration features, Coupon X attracts new visitors to purchase & reward repeat customers with interactive promo codes that build loyalty.

Overview of app :-

  • Reduce cart abandonment by offering discount code pop ups, coupons & promo codes
  • Create coupon code promo & discount pop ups for shoppers to drive business sales
  • Increase email subscription and leads with special promo pop up discounts
  • Integrate form responses with MailChimp and Klaviyo for seamless lead generation
  • Set specific trigger for your discount coupon popups and other store discounts
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